.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later ############# Knot Resolver ############# Welcome to Knot Resolver's documentation! Knot Resolver is an open-source implementation of a caching validating DNS resolver. Modular architecture keeps the core tiny and efficient, and it also provides a state-machine like API for extensions. If you are a completely new user or new to version 6, please start with chapters for :ref:`getting started ` and :ref:`upgrading guide `. .. toctree:: :caption: Getting Started :name: gettingstarted-chapter :maxdepth: 1 gettingstarted-install gettingstarted-startup gettingstarted-config .. toctree:: :caption: Configuration :name: configuration-chapter :maxdepth: 3 config-overview config-network config-performance config-policy-new config-logging-monitoring config-dnssec config-lua config-experimental .. toctree:: :caption: Deployment :name: deployment-chapter :maxdepth: 1 deployment-systemd deployment-manual deployment-docker deployment-advanced .. toctree:: :caption: Management :name: management-chapter :maxdepth: 1 manager-api manager-client .. toctree:: :caption: For operators :name: operators-chapter :maxdepth: 1 upgrading-to-6 upgrading NEWS .. toctree:: :caption: For developers :name: developers-chapter :maxdepth: 2 manager-dev internal-lua-config architecture build lib modules_api worker_api modules-http-custom-services Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`